[b]I sensibly suggest the following to anyone reading this post that is unsure about SKY or FREESAT;[/b]
1. If you want to receive sky tv in Spain and enjoy premium channels in your own home feel free to do so without worry of any wrongdoing, just dont tell SKY what you are doing and make sure you pay them everymonth using a UK Bank account or any International credit card.
2. If you want freesat TV with no monyhly bills then go for that.
If you are an "Armchair Lawyer" or "Small Installer trading off an NIE number & mobile number" then this is just for you about how "PROPER BUSINESS IS DONE"
As far as [b]legality is concerned[/b] these are the [b]fact[/b]s:
1. SKY and or BSKYB have absolutely no mention in any Spanish Laws anywhere, I should know this as I paid a Lawyer to check it and when I paid to register my SL Company had to explain exactly what my business activities where including product names and brands etc, this is "normal" in Spain when registering a proper Spanish Company. If like some installers that choose to work off of an NIE number & website then you can be up & running with "No questions asked" however because we want to do things properly so that we can develop our busines via wholesale outlets we chose to become an SL Company. This will however change in Janurary 2012 when we will be merging with another Spanish Company and become an "SA Company" similar to a UK PLC so that we can offer full coverage of Spain including the Balearic Islands and Canary Islands. May I also point out that the SKY Satellite points a beam at Canary Islands that Broadcasts SKY SPORTS! Why would they want to do that then ask yourself! Just check Astra footprint, can you imagine Playa Las Americas with "NO SKY SPORTS???" Also it is estimated that there are over 5 Million SKY SUBSCRIBERS "OUTSIDE OF THE UK"
2. The main reason for spending both time and money in doing things properly is because due to the "Distribution" Laws in Spain relating to the other side of our buisness our licensing lawyer had to provide all of the correct paperwork to get this done and approved. We are now part of a network of 5 approved satellite tv installers in Spain and cover Marbella, Madrid, Murcia, Torrevieja & Valencia.
3. As a Spanish registered Company that [b]legaly imports[/b] SKY & FREESAT TV equipment from UK to Spain we are able to provide all of our customers a 24 month warranty on all equipment. Also as a Spanish registered Company all of our invoices state [b]very clearly[/b] what we are importing, this is normal business proceedure and each type of box has an export code that is attached to [b]EVERY EXPORT ORDER[/b] from UK to SPAIN, these codes are specific to every product and cannot be overlooked or mistaken.
4. [b]Trade names[/b] - Whilst many of our websites utilies the words "sky" or "freesat" we are not part of BSKYB or FREESAT we are merely installers that import product from the UK in a legal and above board manner. And because we are a SL registered Business pay all of the related IVA (VAT) payments to the Spanish Government every three months we are are able to pass on the lower prices to our customers who are safe in the knowledge that all of our products are both legal and above board. The reason for using "SKY" or "FREESAT" is so that our customers can find us. I very much doubt anyone would Google "Telvision Technology Spain" that wanted SKY TV or FREESAT TV.
5. There has [b]NEVER EVER EVER[/b] been a case of "[b]SKY BOX SHIPMENT SEIZED[/b]" at Spanish Boarder or "[b]SKY CARD MR BIG ARRESTED[/b]" I just done a Google search and come up with "18 TONS OF MARMITE SEIZED" now that is one thing I would agree should be illegal! All these stories are "myths & old wives tales" that seem to appear on various forums in Spain for some reason, there are no "SKY BOX" smugglers or anything else associated with importing and selling banned or restricted goods. I think the majority of these comments are probably to wind me up or because the person(s) are simply put out at how well our legal & registered "proper" business is expanding. If you pick up any local Newspaper in Spain you will find lots of SKY CARD DEALERS and SKY CARD SUPPLIERS we have worked closely with one main Company that is UK based that has been in the business 16 years for ten years now and have no issues whatsoever, plus they have to invoice our Spanish registerd Company whenever we make a purchase.
6. Taking your SKY card on Holiday with you! We can guarantee that you will not be stopped at Alicante Airport and aksed why you are trying to bring a SKY CARD to SPAIN, if you insert your UK SKY CARD in to a SKY BOX in Spain without the card being paired up then you will not be able to watch SKY SPORTS or MOVIES, that said you can get in touch with us (just post a "contact me message on this page" and I will happily assist you in getting a suitable box that will totally unlock your card. UNlocking is becoming big business as Companies "lock" products to certain networks or equipment so "un-locking" is also "NOTHING TO WORRY" about, although I am certain some "doom n gloomer" will say otherwise! The bottom line is that if you pay SKY every month and decide to bring your card on Holiday for 6 weeks then why not! YOU CAN DO THIS NO PROBLEM!! :thumbsup:
7. Non existent & Blinkered Knoledge comment.
I have told you the way I see it, I have serached & searched Google for stories of SKY BOXES, CARDS etc being impounded or seized and found nothing, I have only found stories about "RE-BROADCASTERS"
I have paid Lawyers,[/b] I have [b]invested lots of money[/b] in building a great business, that is advertised weekly in almost every ex-pat publication, am I [b]blinkered, stubborn in order to achive my own purposes[/b]. [b]OFCOURSE I AM 100%[/b] :hi_001.gif: